If you want to get right with God, and be a Christian, here is a sample prayer: “God, I know that I have committed wrong acts in my life and sinned against You. I deserve fully your punishment of eternal hell. Yet, You love me so much that you sent Jesus Christ down to take the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I accept Jesus into my life as my Saviour and trust You, oh God for my salvation. Thank you for saving me.”
Had you meant what you said? Congratulation, you now belong to the family of God, and is a Christian.
1. Make sure you understand salvation.
1 John 5:13 tells us, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”
God wants us to know more about our salvation. He wants us to know that we have eternal life. He wants us to have the confidence to know that we are saved.
Briefly, let’s go over the key points of salvation:
(a) We have done things that are bad in God’s eyes. (Romans 3:23)
(b) Because of our sin, we deserve to go to hell. (Romans 6:23)
(c) Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins (Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21) Jesus died in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved so that we might receive the life He deserved. Jesus’ resurrection proved that His death was sufficient to pay for our sins.
(d) God grants forgiveness and salvation to all those who place their trust in Jesus—believing that He died to pay for our sons. (John 3:16, Romans 5:1, Romans 8:1)
That is the message of salvation!
2. Set aside time each day to focus on God.
It is very important for us to spend time each day focusing on God. Some people call this a “quiet time
(a) Prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. Talk to God about your concerns and problems. Ask God to give you wisdom and guidance in your life. Ask God to provide for all your needs. Tell God how much you love Him and be thankful to Him for all that He does for you. That is what prayer is all about. If you really need help with praying, check out Matthew 6:9-12.
(b) Bible Reading. You need to be reading the Bible for yourself. The Bible is essentially God’s instruction manual for how to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him and satisfying to us. God promises that our ways will be prosperous and our lives successful if we read His Word. (Joshua 1:8)
3. Find believers who love Jesus to help you grow in your walk with God;
Don’t think of the church as a building. The church is the people. It is very important that believers in Jesus Christ fellowship with one another.
Find a good surrounding of believers who loves Jesus and fellowship with them. It is important not to neglect to meet with fellow believers! (Hebrews 10:25)
How do you know if a church or surrounding of believers love Jesus or not? By looking at their lives and actions! We can know if a believer loves Jesus or not by looking at his or her fruit. (John 15:2)