Dear sir/madam,
Do not throw away this letter!
It is of the greatest importance that you do not stop reading this letter until you had finished it from the start to the end. I promise you infinite rewards to realize your wildest dreams on earth if you do as I tell you.
When this letter reaches you, it may be that the letter is quite old; it may be that the letter is sealed neatly in an envelope. It does not matter how long this letter takes to travel to you, it does not matter how you come to chance upon it. Continue to read it until the end. I promise to reward you for your endeavors.
Your utmost attention to this letter can save a life, my life! Now, read it with care, like you are reading the most important piece of document you will ever find in your life.
The realm where I am imprisoned is strange. It is a plane of no sizes and shapes; it is a place of all sizes and shapes. There is no wall here, no sky to limit the height, no earth to limit the depth. It is like a void with neither height nor depth, and neither length nor width. Yet, it has everything: Sky, earth, height, depth, length, width, everything.
Hey! Do not put off this letter! I am not insane! I can assure you, I am perfectly okay. You don't believe me? I am a human being. I have one head, two eyes, two ears, one body and four limbs. That is what a human being looks like, right? See… I am sane.
Now, you believe me. Yet, in this place where I am, I can have 2 heads, three hundred eyes and five hundred ears if I want to. I can be a knight in shinning armor with the arms of a dragon and… oh wait, don't throw off this letter, I will stop here.
Before you think I am mad, I will move on to describe what I look like in a manner which you can accept. Let's just think for now that I am a human being like you with one body and four limbs. I will move on to describe further how I look like so you can visualize me in your mind's eyes. This is the image which my family and friends will remember me to be like from their mental conceptions during the moment when I am not in this prison and back with them in your world.
I am a 24-year old girl; my hair can be messy, or trendy, depending on your taste in fashion. I wear a pair of spectacles that I consider to give me an educated look, but my friends tend to comment that it makes me look nerdy. My body is shaped in a manner which I am happy with, but my parents think I am too round to be able to find the dream guy of my life. Oh well… whatever. I prefer to be dressed in comfortable wear, a casual oversized T-shirt, ¾ pants and the same pair of sport shoes I had worn for a consecutive 3 years. It tends to give me an easy going look, though if you are a nasty person, you may see me as a sloppy person.
Can you now visualize what I look like? Good. That is how I look like whenever I am back to your world again, momentarily away from the prison which I am currently trapped in.
I am a NUS student in Singapore, a girl with a dream, someone very average, well, just like you. I am taking a course on social work in my university, with the dream to help the less privileged people in my country one day. I am a good hearted girl, like my many good hearted classmates in my social work modules.
Oh yes, I am a Christian, too. I love Jesus and I love my brothers and sisters in Christ. I dream of traveling to third world countries to do mission works for the underprivileged. I enjoy attending Sunday services in my church, and worshipping God with my voice and body. Oh yes, you can say I am a devoted Christian. I read up a lot on the bible, pray and fast regularly, and am often concerned about spreading my faith to others and doing good works to make the lives of my fellow countrymen better. Now, you have me, an easy-going, kind-hearted Christian and aspiring social worker.
How do I, then, end up in this place? It is a long, long story, which you must be patient to read through if you hope to help me come out of the awful prison that I am currently in. Oh, even now, I see a dragon with a robotic head and five hundred arms hunting down my mother. Arggh! My mother can take care of herself for now. I will rescue her as soon as I finish my narration of my tale to you.
Here is an account of how I came to this place. It began with a feeling of helplessness. One day, I was out there, sitting on a sofa, having a chit-chat with my family members while we were watching some kind of charity show. A fun and relaxing moment turned into a life-scattering conversation for me. Basically, here is a very concise account of how the conversation flowed.
My little brother wanted to dial the number to help donate some money to the charity organization. My daddy frowned and told him to remember the NKF saga and declared with conviction that there was no such thing as the poor in Singapore. I was upset by what my daddy said and told my daddy and my other family members about the different types of poor people I saw during my social work internship. My mummy came in to help my trapped daddy and told me that these poor people were just plain lazy. I wanted to argue further with the fact that the poor people that I saw were not lazy people, but unfortunate people. My daddy used his 'daddy card' when he and mummy could not out-argue their rebellious NUS daughter and told me to shut up and not 'spoil' our family's relaxation moments.
None of my family members watching the charity show was interested about the family of a drug addict father who had their electricity and water supply cut off because they were to poor to pay their bills. They did not want to listen to the real life story of a wife who is always waiting in fear during every stormy day in Singapore that her husband will literally drown in the sea because her husband is a fisherman.
You get it, a literal fisherman who sits in a literal fishing boat, not that much different from the small fishing boat my Jesus sits in 2000 years ago. Heck, I never even know fisherman still exists in Singapore, not the kind that sits in small sampan, anyway.
I feel like a tiny dot, an invisible, small tiny dot when I am with that wife who worries for her husband. I feel weak and helpless when I am with an eight-member household with just $200 a month to live on. I do not know how to teach a primary 2 boy who is an expert on porn to refrain from reading sexual materials because his father is still unsure today about who he co-produces his son with—the 5th or 7th girlfriend.
I am one body and four limbs, and yet, the people that scream for help are like the sand on the seashore, like stars in the night sky, and though I believe in Jesus and God, I am neither Jesus nor God.
It was at the height of my helplessness that I came across this accursed man, who tricked me into my prison. He is the man I will never forget, the one who was responsible for putting me into this prison where a dragon with a robotic head and five hundred arms can co-exist together with my poor mother.
Thanks to him, I am now in charge of training an army of dwarfs and elves in their upcoming battle with the evil demon king, and at the same time, running around trying to prevent a lunatic scientist from inventing gigantic intelligent robots that plot to take over the world. I had traveled to the top of a mountain that can turn red and blue simultaneously. I had crawl through a valley of skulls and bones. I dodged the flying arrows of witches and narrowly escaped being turned into the bride of the prince of evil.
The name of this accursed person is the Fiction Writer. How can I ever forget his name? He is the one whose letter I chanced upon one day during my short and average life as a student. It was his letter that ultimately brought me to my current plight.
This man, there is one talent I do not deny he has. He can write awesome letter–letter that excited me and made me wanted to read all that he had to tell me about himself. He began his letter with a promise, a promise to give me infinite wealth and endless riches if I will be patient enough to read through it from the start to the end. He claimed to be able to solve my problem if I will only give my ears to listen to what he has to say to me.
He proceeded to talk to me about his travel in the realm of fiction, the world where he is living in. He talked about the dragons and robots that he was able to see, and the human right advocates he was privileged to fight an unjust cause with. He seductively lured me to read more into his letter by colouring my imagination with the magical wonders of this place, which became my prison now. The place, he described, in his letters, is such a magical land of power, it can hold both walls and no walls at the same time.
He cast a spell on me with his fascinating arrangement of sentences, drove my mind into excitement with his choice of words and use of symbols and metaphors and allegories. He brought me back to the past, and carried me into the future; he even took me on a journey into the story of the prodigal son, my favourite story in the bible, the one that talked about the reconciliation of a hopeless son into the laps of his loving father.
Oh, this accursed person, known as Fiction Writer, he really studied my weakness. He stirred up such interest in me to be obsessed with his letter! In my helpless moment, he offered me power, power beyond my wildest dream, power to be that Christian and social worker I wanted to be, power to open the eyes of my friends and family, and to invite my fellow Singaporeans to travel in a journey with me to study the lives of the underprivileged people I see which everyone else ignore.
His letter enticed me and I read his letter from the start to the end like the way you are reading my letter now. I cannot help falling in love with his letter. I was at the mountain of my helplessness and his letter offered me a chance to escape from my painful reality. Now, I am trapped forever in this world of fiction, alone, and in a great deal of misery.
But, one day, the accursed man came to me, and he offered me a chance to make my life here more endurable.
Here is an exact quotation of what he said, word for word: "Go and lure another person into this world like the way in which I lure you here."
Hahaha, yes, you have finally realized it. I am doing the same thing to you as he had cruelly done to me. You should never have read this letter in the first place. Have you not read my title? I hinted that this letter will change your life in an undesirable way. You cannot say I did not warn you.
Here is the horror: You cannot save my life!
I lied to you at the beginning of my letter.
No one who enters into the realm of fiction can ever come out of this place. You will forever be trapped with a dual personality, the one you show to your friends and family, and the one you receive from this prison. You will be both a dragon and a robot, you will be hunted down from high places by witches and monsters, you will sit with great historical figures and have tea with them, you will explore injustices and human right issues, you will open up the part of the world no one will ever bother to notice—the unfair education system in Singapore, the plight of the ITE students, the flaws of the society of Singapore.
You think I am insane earlier in the letter when I tell you about the nature of my prison. You laugh at me when at one moment I tell you I have one head and four limbs, and the next moment, I tell you it is possible for me to have three hundred eyes and five hundred ears. I see you are not laughing now.
Thank you for coming to join me in the realm of fiction. Enjoy your moments. Hahaha.
P/S: Oh yes, one more thing. I am offering you a chance to make your life more bearable. Go and take up a pen right now and lure someone here like the way I lured you. Be creative, wink.
Yours Sincerely,
Another Fiction Writer