Friday, March 21, 2025

Short Story: The High Priest's Redemption

The high priest Sura awoke from his nightmare with a start. It had been the same nightmare he was having. The execution of Lioamb, a heretic and blasphemer, by burning at the stake, ought to have relieved him but he was haunted by it instead. It had been five years since Lioamb had been burned at the cross. Still, Sura could not bring himself to forget the eyes of Lioamb that had looked at Sura with such love and forgiveness even as Lioamb met His end at the stake by burning. 

The high priest Sura had expected hatred, even fear from Lioamb. Not love and forgiveness. Not a calmness in His face as He met His end at the stake. Lioamb was supposed to be a heretic,  a blasphemer. He was supposed to feel guilty for his crime. Yet, He seemed calm and He seemed like what He claimed to be—Yaet the Most High God Himself.

Could Lioamb actually be Yaet, as He had claimed to be? The question had haunted the high priest since Lioamb’s death. Worse, Lioamb’s disciples claimed that Lioamb rose from the dead three days after His death. And they were willing to die for their beliefs. How could they possibly die for what was a lie? Perhaps, it was no lie. Perhaps Lioamb truly rose from the dead. If Lioamb could rise from the dead, then He truly must be the Most High Yaet.

And if Lioamb was Yaet, what a crime he, the high priest of Yaet, had committed against his maker.  He had pronounced Lioamb a blasphemer and sentenced him to death by burning. Sura felt nothing but a sense of remorse for what he had done. That was no hope for him. He had sinned against his maker himself.

“Sura, it is never too late to repent of what you have done. Lioamb did not want you to live a life of remorse, but of forgiveness…” Tifet, a Lioambite who followed Lioamb’s teachings comforted the high priest Sura.

“Can there even be hope…for me? I personally pronounced the death of Lioamb.” Sura replied in depression.

“Lioamb knew He would die and chose to die. He knew you would kill Him, but that did not stop Him from loving you or forgiving you for what you did. The best thing you could do to replay His love or forgiveness…is to trust in Him and follow His teachings.” Tifet replied.

Sura was convinced that Lioamb was Yaet, and Sura was determined that he would follow Lioamb from now on. Sura resigned from his high priest’s post and became a Lioambite. Sura had found his redemption from his sins, and it was not because of the fact that he was a high priest or based on anything he had done. Instead, it was based on the love of Lioamb and what He had done for Sura.