Friday, March 21, 2025

Short Story: That is why He came...

At the age of 12, Mei Mei had desired to serve the Lord. Mei Mei wanted to join the worship ministry but she was so busy in her school works that she had no time to sing for the Lord. When she reached the age of 15, Mei Mei vowed to stay chaste for the Lord so that she could offer her body as a living sacrifice. Yet, she met her husband and fell in love with him and soon, her virginity was given to him as well. When Mei Mei reached adulthood, she wanted to serve the Lord as a missionary with her husband but the cares of bringing up her children and the business of life soon took that dream away from her.

 Now, Mei Mei was old, frail and broken. Her strength was gone, and her family whom she devoted her life to was going away from her as well. Mei Mei was about to meet her Maker but she had nothing to show for her efforts. All her desires to serve the Lord in ministry were not met, and Mei Mei felt nothing but condemnation for herself.

 “My Lord, in all my years as a Christian, what had I truly done for You? What had I given to You? I am soon about to meet You yet I had nothing to show for my efforts! I am so ashamed, oh Lord!” Mei Mei wept, remorse and regret welling up in her.

 She heard a whisper.

 That is why I came.

 Tears of joy rained down Mei Mei’s face. She was forgiven, she was cleansed, that was why He came. Not to be served as the King of kings, but to die on the cross as a slave so that someone like Mei Mei, a weak saint, might be forgiven for her tresspasses and not stand condemned in the eyes of the Living God.

 “Thank you, Jesus!” Mei Mei uttered on her death bed. For the first time in her life, she served the Lord. She served Him with her thanksgiving and heart of gratitude. Mei Mei passed into eternity, a saint full of strength in the eyes of her God.

 For that is why He came, that the weak might become strong.