Friday, March 21, 2025

Short Story: Snow Black

 Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Snow Black. She was neither beautiful nor attractive. Her mother died when she was a very young child. As a result of that, her father decided to marry another woman and she became the step mother of the child Snow Black.

The step mother of Snow Black was a vicious and wicked woman. Despite the fact that the child was not born to be beautiful, or attractive, she was jealous of the father's occasional attention to the young lady of 16 years old. Yet, Snow Black was never hateful towards her step mother. No matter how cruelly her step mother treated her, Snow Black was always ready to repay her step mother back with love.

One day, while Snow Black was out on a trip to the forest to save little rabbits from being preyed by cruel hunters, her stepmother bribed the bodyguard of Snow Black to kill the young lady in the forest.

The bodyguard needed the money the queen gave to him to take care of his elderly parents, who were suffering from serious illness. However, he could not bring himself to kill a lady, who even though, she was not good looking, had a beautiful heart.

Therefore, he told Snow Black the truth and pleaded with her to flee far away from her cruel step mother. When he returned home to the queen, he lied to her that the girl was dead.

Snow Black walked through the forest and came into contact with a house. She went into the house and was astonished by the 7 beds that were so small, that she had to join them together as a bed before she could rest in them.

Feeling tired, she chose to sleep in the bed, but was awakened in the evening by loud voices. She awoke, to find that she was all tied up. 7 dwarfs were staring hard into her face. Their faces were full of scars. They appeared to be dwarfs, who were well-acquainted with the hardness of life. There were no mercies in their eyes.

"What are you doing with our beds?" The dwarfs demanded. Their tones were cold.

"Please... please forgive me... I am only resting here because I thought no one stayed in this place... and I was so tired." Snow Black's tone was full of fear.

"Ho ho... so you thought, huh, that, you could take this house for yourself just because no one stayed here? Well, for your crime, you would be our slaves for life."

The verdicts of the dwarfs were hard. They were not moved even when the young lady broke down and told them her own sad story of how her own step mother was out to plot her life. This was a hard world. People were hard to them. They received from no mercy from this hard world, and they chose to give none in return to a victim who was more victimized by the hard world than themselves.

But Snow Black was a girl of a most beautiful heart. Instead of begrudging and hating her captors for being so hard towards her, she chose to repay their evil with kindness. She gave her best to all the works which her captor had given her to do, and she was tender and kind to them. Even though she had many opportunities to escape from her captors, she chose to stay behind and take good care of them.

Soon, she won a place in the hearts of the 7 dwarfs and was looked upon, secretly, by them as a mother figure. Just when her life was getting better with the dwarfs, her evil step mother found out about the fact that she was not dead. It was through a slip of the mouth of that bodyguard of hers. Apparently, he drank too much wine and in his drunken state, he unintentionally revealed to the step mother about the fact that Snow Black was still alive.

You would think that the evil, vicious woman would forget all about killing her step daughter, because the young lady could not possibly be a threat to her anymore, now that she was separated from her father. But that was not to be the case. The jealousy of the evil queen was so great, that she would not allow the girl to live, simply because there were moments in the queen's time with the king, where the king was so obsessed with the loss of his precious child, that he totally ignored the queen.

So, she disguised herself as an old woman after some of her servants that she sent out to trace the whereabouts of Snow Black returned to her with the report of seeing her living together with 7 dwarfs somewhere in the forest.

Snow Black was at home alone by herself when the evil queen came. She was deceived into thinking that the evil queen was a poor beggar who had no place to go to, and being kind-hearted, she let the evil queen came into her house. The moment the evil queen came into the house, she took out a knife and stabbed Snow Black 6 times in what she thought was the heart of the young lady. The young lady had no chance before her wicked stepmother. She fell to the ground, gasping in pain as the blood began to flow out of her.

Laughing wickedly, the evil queen left the house, leaving the lady to die a slow death alone by herself. By the time the 7 dwarfs returned to the house, the young lady was dead. There was no breath in her body. Her body felt like ice to the dwarfs. The dwarfs were hard men. Hard men shed blood, but never shed tears. Yet, when they saw Snow Black lying there, still and unmoving, with a body that was cold like ice, they broke down and cried.

"Snow Black, Snow Black, return to us!"

Their tears were in vain. The world was hard and uncaring. It was cold, and no one would be there to listen to the cries of 7 scar-faced men, who had never in their lives received any mercy from anyone except the tender-hearted lady they were not merciful to. In sorrow, they built a flower bed for the lady that was like a mother to them. A lady, who was not beautiful in any way, physically, and yet was the most beautiful of women to the hearts of these 7 hard men whose lives were touched by her.

Their sobbing drew the attention of a prince who was not of the same world as themselves. He came from a galaxy far beyond the hard world that the 7 dwarfs were accustomed to, in a world where there was only love, mercy, kindness and goodness. He was the prince and would be King of that beautiful place, the Paradise.

He listened to the story of the 7 crying dwarfs, and was moved by the beauty of the young lady. He was attracted and drawn to her, not because of her physical appearance but because of her beautiful heart, that was loving, kind, merciful and tender. He looked at the pale, white face of the girl who was dead for quite a few hours, and the wound in her heart that was pierced there cruelly by the one she trusted in and loved. Tears of compassion fell from his eyes as he thought of the agony the young lady had to go through just before she died; the pain that must be so excruciating to the lady, left there by a someone she was trying to be kind to.

"Do not die, most beautiful of women," said the prince as he whispered into the ear of the breathless girl. "You must live because I want you to be my queen." The prince was born with a special kind of blood, a blood that could heal the most deadly of wounds. In his love for the young lady, he stabbed the dagger into his very own heart and as he was dying, allowed his blood to flow into the wounded heart of the tender-hearted lady. Every drop of his blood into the broken heart of Snow Black brought back to her a beat from her broken heart. Every dying breath of the prince as he sacrificially gave his own life for her brought back to her dead and still body her breath.

The prince gave up his life so that a young lady who was wounded in her heart by someone she loved and trusted could rise up from her grave. With every blood shed to redeem the life of a broken-hearted girl, the broken heart of the girl began to beat, again. With every breath that he gave out for the young lady in his sacrifice, the nose of the dead girl started to breathe again. As Snow Black's eyes began to open, she saw the smile of the dying prince before her.

"You are a good-hearted girl. You deserve to live. Do not die. I want you to be my Queen." He collapsed into the arms of the revived girl, who had heard all that he had spoken even while she was dead, and who had felt his blood gushing into her body healing her wounds. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the prince that chose to die so that she might live, again.

"Why... why did you die for someone like me?" Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the prince that chose to die so that she might live, again. No one had sacrificed for her before. It was always she who was sacrificing for other people. No one had ever loved her so deeply. Yet, this prince, this prince from a faraway country, from paradise, came and fell in love with her. He said she was the most beautiful of women and he wanted to take her home with him as his queen.

He traded his life and shed his blood so that her wounded heart, pierced into pieces by the betrayal of the one she loved could beat, again. His blood healed the hole in her heart and brought life back into a young lady that would, otherwise, be dead. Tears flowed from Snow Black's eyes as she stared into the dead body of the prince. The hole in his heart was so much bigger, so much wider than what was previously there in that heart of hers. It was there because of His love.

"Don't die, my handsome prince. How can I be your Queen, if you are dead?" The tears of the princess woke the prince up from His slumber, and instantly, the handsome prince was transformed into a being that was full of sunshine brightness. A crown was on His head and His entire being was shinning with a golden-ness that so bright, that it blinded the eyes of the young lady for quite a long period of time.

"Are you really willing to come with me, most beautiful of women, to my Kingdom, to be my Queen?" The voice of the prince was different. Previously, the voice was loving and tender, and like a servant. Now, it was commanding, full of authority, and like that of a King. Snow Black smiled and shyly held the hand of the majestic being before her.

"Yes," she replied, with her head slightly bowed down, her cheeks flushed. They kissed.

And there were claps arising from the hands of the 7 dwarfs, and millions of invisible beings that suddenly became visible who had just arrived from paradise to escort their King and His newly found bride back to their Kingdom.