Thursday, August 15, 2024

Short Story: Not renouncing Jesus at all Costs!

Xiao Hui loved Jesus with a passion. She would read the bible, pray and fast and worship the Lord in songs. She would do this in church, at home and in school. Xiao Hui’s fervent devotion to the Lord did not come without a cost. In her school, she was nicknamed, “Mother Mary” by her classmates, who often mocked and insulted her. Still, she continued to live her life without change, being devoted to her God.

Ze Ming hated his teachers, hated his classmates and hated himself. He thought this world was a product of random chances and he felt that life was not worth living. When his classmate Xiao Hui tried to share the gospel with him, he mocked and ridiculed her. He had no desire to receive Christ, he did not believe in God, this world was after-all a product of mere chances. Religion was for people who were self-delusional. 

Ze Ming wanted to kill himself, but before he did that, he wanted others to die as well. He took a rifle and went to school, shooting everyone in sight. He caught sight of Xiao Hui, reading the bible at one corner in the school canteen. Ha, now is the chance to expose the hypocrisy of religion. Taking his rifle, he walked to Xiao Hui.

“Will you renounce Jesus or will you die for a mere myth?” Xiao Hui stared at the rifle pointed at her head, as her classmate Ze Ming asked her a very difficult question for her to answer. She loved life and wanted to live a long life. Still, she could not deny her Lord. No, never.

“I choose not to renounce Jesus.” Xiao Hui replied. Bang.

Welcome home, my child. Xiao Hui smiled as she looked at the lovely face of her savior in paradise.