Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Short Story: The Weakest Saint

Xiao Hui wished that she could die a martyr for God. She wished she was stronger, bolder, a better witness for Jesus than she currently was.

The truth was, Xiao Hui was a coward, living in Singapore. Though she had been a Christian for years, she had not shared the gospel with anyone or did anything good or great for the Lord.

She was, in her own eyes, a weak Christian, a failure, the kind of Christians that would receive the least reward in heaven.

“Jesus, if only… if only I dared suffer more for you…” Xiao Hui sighed.

Xiao Hui’s grandmother fell ill and grew weak in her body. Xiao Hui was earnest in her care towards her grandmother. No one in her family wanted anything to do with the sick and fragile old lady except for Xiao Hui. Xiao Hui made sure that her grandmother had all the care she needed until the day she passed away.

Eventually, Xiao Hui grew old herself and, on the day she was about to pass away, she felt ashamed of herself.

“My Lord, until the end, I still did not dare suffer for you or witnessed for you. I am a failure.” She died, full of regret at her insignificant life.

“Xiao Hui, welcome home. Thy faithful servant!” Jesus beamed with a smile when He met Xiao Hui.

“My Lord, I have not done anything for you.” Xiao Hui replied with shame.

“Far from it. In the little things you did, like caring for your grandmother, and preparing food for your family, you are more than worthy. It is not great work that matters to me, but little things which you do daily. Therefore, welcome home, faithful servant.” Jesus replied.

Xiao Hui smiled. She was not the weakest saint, after-all.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Short Story: Visitation to pastor Kuan's party

Jesus and his angels chose to visit Pastor Kuan's Christmas party this Christmas. They arrived in his party but was not noticed by him or any of his guests. They were invisible to all the people in the party.

Pastor Kuan served Jesus since he was a teenager. He often went hungry because he was poor and in China, especially among the house churches in villages, everyone was poor and had not much to tithe to the pastor. Still, that did not deter pastor Kuan from his call to serve Jesus as a pastor. Pastor Kuan cared more about serving Jesus than any monetary or worldly benefits that he might receive.

Pastor Kuan loved the Lord with a passion and would travel from village to village, sharing the gospel with everyone he met. He would share not just the gospel but everything he had with the people he met. He loved the Lord but he also loved the people, whom he saw as hungry sheep, who needed to feed on the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, and pastor Kuan was only too glad to share this bread with anybody who would show an interest to receive this free manna from heaven.

Pastor Kuan often went without food in His service to the bread of life. Even when he did have food, he would share the meagre amount of food he received with the starving population in the villages he visited. Pastor Kuan believed that as a pastor, he should not only care about the spiritual needs of his congregation but the physical needs as well. He was quick to share whatever little worldly possessions he had with his congregation and anyone who would ask from him.

Pastor Kuan was arrested several times for his service to Jesus and sent to prison many times. During his imprisonment, he not only never regretted his choice but rejoiced that he got to share the cup of suffering which Jesus partook for him when he went to die on the cross two thousand years ago. Pastor Kuan sang hymns in the prison and gladly witnessed to the other prisioners and prison guards whenever he could.

This Christmas, Pastor Kuan received an enormous amount of money from a member of his congregation and instead of spending it on himself, he chose to host a party for the poor, blind, crippled and lame. He opened his house to anyone and everyone who would attend.

So, Jesus was glad to visit this generous pastor this Christmas with his angels. Jesus was proud of the pastor and his good works and the angels were busy recording everybody the pastor invited to his party so that his good deeds might be recorded and he might receive one day, an abundant reward in heaven.

By inviting everyone to his party, regardless of their status, pastor Kuan had invited Jesus and his angels to his party, too. If only pastor Kuan was aware that the King of kings had chosen to visit his party, he would more than rejoiced.

Short story: The bread that truly mattered...

Lu Xiao Cui sighed sadly as her stomach rumbled with hunger. Since her parents died and left her an orphan, she was forced to beg for food, and today, and yesterday, and many days ago, there was no one who was willing to give her anything, so she would have to go hungry. No one cared for an orphan, no one wanted to give her any food. Xiao Cui would have to starve again, tonight.

“Jesus, I am so hungry.” Xiao Cui said to her saviour, whom she accepted three years ago into her life after someone shared the gospel with her. That someone was someone who was willing to buy her a load of food after he learnt of her plight. He supplied her with one year of food at his house until he was forced to leave his home because of job requirement. That was the happiest year of Xiao Cui’s life since her parents left her an orphan. That man not only shared food with Xiao Cui, he also shared about the Bread of Life, Jesus, with her. Xiao Cui missed him, deeply. She wished he was still around so that she did not have to go hungry.

Xiao Cui slept at the park; her stomach unfulfilled. She never woke from her sleep. She had starved to death because no one, not even the Christians bothered to share their food with her. That night, angels came to surround her and brought her soul to Jesus. Xiao Cui stared in wonder when she met face to face with her saviour.

“Jesus,” Xiao Cui cried as she saw the bread that satisfied all hunger.

“You will never be hungry, again.” Jesus smiled as the He embraced the girl. “All because you chose to feed on the best bread in the universe—Me.”

Xiao Cui smiled and silently thanked the man who shared the gospel with her. He had given her true riches beyond all measure. She would never go hungry again, because of her faith in the Bread that truly mattered.