Monday, May 20, 2024

Short Story: The neglected Jesus Christ

Wylan Chan was glad he was not like other people out there in the world. He gave most of his money to charity, he was kind to strangers, he seldom told lies and he definitely never murder or steal.

He was really one of the kinder, more righteous people out there in the world.


I am thirsty. Will you give me a drink?

He thirsted after the water Wylan Chan would offer him. But Wylan Chan gave himself in charity to everyone but Him.

I love you, Wylan. Will you love me back?

Wylan was kind to every stranger but Him. He don't need Wylan, no, he don't. He was Jesus, God's son, after-all, so mighty, so powerful, so great. The King of all kings.

Wylan never thought that the Son of God would thirst after the water Wylan gave freely to everyone but Him.

He was the one who the world seek to serve. He was God, and everyone chased after Him. Everyone but Wylan Chan. Wylan Chan only helped the poor and the needy. How could God ever be needy? Wylan loved everyone but Wylan never thought that Jesus, the son of God needed his love as well.

Therefore, Wylan, the kind and merciful buddhist gave his time, gave his energies, gave his money, gave his help and gave his love to everyone but on Jesus, the one who loved him, hungered after his love more than anybody, was needy on the cross because he wanted Wylan to look at him, Wylan never gave one glance.

Jesus wept, because Wylan was kind and give everyone a chance, but Him.

Short Story: One Lost sheep

Evan Lee grinned. He loved God. He truly did.

He always tithed, he never failed to read the bible, he went oversea to do missionary works and gave himself fully to church ministry.

He even preached against abortions and homosexuality. Surely, no one loved the Lord as much as he did.


Shu Mei wept. She hated God, although she used to be His sheep. She prayed and prayed for God to save her non-Christian father but God did not answer her prayers. She prayed for a job but God did not even give that to her.

When she came to Evan Lee and asked him why God failed her in every way, he told her God did not fail her, her sins were what separated her from Him.

She hated God. God may love other christians, God may even love Evan Lee, but God definitely did not love her.

Shu Mei turned away from God and no longer went to church.


Jesus was in pain. He wanted to tell Shu Mei He loves her. He wanted to tell her He never forgets her. He wanted to tell her it was not her lack of faith or sins that stopped Him from answering her prayers but rather that He tried knocking hard at other Christians whom He had blessed to reach out to her but... oh... their hearts were so hard.

He tried getting someone to preach to her father, no one answered His call. When she could not get a job, he knocked at Evan Lee's heart to give her his money but Evan Lee was too busy tithing, too busy reading the bible, too busy reaching souls for Him on overseas missionary works and doing church ministry to open the door to let Jesus used him to give money to Shu Mei.

As a result, Jesus wept that Shu Mei no longer believes in Him. Oh... why didn't his ever safe 99 sheeps care for this one lost sheep like Jesus did? Jesus was helpless so He wept.