Sunday, September 8, 2019

Short story: The thief, a saint!

Xiao Zhu stared at the money that was on the table of her office. Mrs. Fu, her colleague had been careless. There was a total of nine one hundred dollar bills. Xiao Zhu quietly took the money and put it in her wallet. What a good deal!
She was nine hundred dollars richer, yet she was not pleased with herself. Mrs. Fu would be nine hundred dollars poorer.
She knew it was wrong of her to take Mrs. Fu's money, yet she could not resist her temptations. She needed a new laptop for her daughter, and the nine hundred would be useful. Beside, it was easy money.
Yet, condemptation mocked her. You call yourself a christian?
Xiao Zhu struggled within herself.
Lord Jesus, she cried. Forgive me, a sinner.
A relief came over her. She felt her prayers answered. Calmly, she returned the money to the table. She might need a laptop, but Jesus died for her and Mrs. Fu. Grace rejoiced with her. Jesus had washed her clean with his blood.
Condemptation fled and righteousness triumphed. His righteousness, not hers. The thief is now a saint.